City Tech-CUNY
Physics Department
300 Jay Street / Namm 811
Brooklyn, NY 11201
PHYS1441L D793 30175
Tue 11:30:00 AM - 2:00:00 PM N823
Prof. Vasiliy Znamenskiy
PHYS1441 — Physics 1.3
Course Description:
This is the first of a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics course that is the foundation to further studies in engineering and technology. The first semester introduces students to concepts and principles of classical mechanics
and thermodynamics. Topics include kinematics, Newton’s laws of
motion and universal gravitation, work and energy, rotational motion, vibrations, fluids, heat and laws of thermodynamics. Calculus and vector methods are used throughout the course. Computer-based laboratory component of the course illustrates and supplements the lecture material.
Pre- or corequisite: MAT 1475
Required Text: Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, D. C. Giancoli,
4th Edition, Prentice Hall.
Computer-Based College Physics Laboratory Experiments, R. Kezerashvili, Gurami Publishing.
Instructional Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
This course is designed for students to obtain qualitative and quantitative knowledge of basic laws of mechanical and thermal properties of matter.
Emphasis is placed on experimental foundation of physics as a natural science.
The course helps students to learn qualitative and logical reasoning
about physical phenomena. One of the main goals is to develop and improve students’ analytical and problem solving skills by discussing applications to specific problems in engineering and technology.
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